About Us

Back 2 Nature is a Kolkata based aquarium goods brand, ideated and founded by a few experienced aquascapers who have been with the hobby for a long time now. The aim is to produce superior quality, reasonably priced products for nature aquarium enthusiasts. Back 2 Nature is also dedicated to catering superior quality nature aquariums, paludariums/terrariums, vertical gardens/terra walls and much more for lifestyle enthusiasts who love to include nature as a part of decor.

about usThe inspiration behind Back 2 Nature was actually a problem situation that the founders themselves faced while pursuing the nature aquarium hobby. Like many other hobbyists they often had trouble getting hold of the right aquarium goods. Either they had to pay a hefty sum for good quality international products or settle for inferior products that did not provide the value for the price paid. The problem was bigger in terms of owning a nature aquarium for ones who didn’t have the right grasp on art or aesthetics or the nature aquarium science while they wished to have a premium quality nature aquarium, paludarium/terrarium, vertical gardens/terra walls in their personal or commercial space. Either the installations are done by inexperienced individuals/group, or they are not upto the level that is wished for.

about usBack 2 Nature products range from state-of-the-art maintenance tools, made from the best grade steel to plant nutrition capsules that have perfect balance of nutrients, and so much more in between. All the products are home grown for you, made exclusively in India, tailor-made to suit the needs of every aquascaper, especially the Indian aquascapers The products are best in class, available at the best possible price. The Back 2 Nature aquascapes, paludarium/terrariums, vertical gardens/terra walls are designed and installed by nature aquarium experts who have top-notch knowledge of the subjects. Be it a personal space or a commercial space that needs a dash of nature to it, Back 2 Nature aquascaping services come with the best consultancies, budget friendliness, and output that the clients fall in love with.

So, when best quality nature aquarium products are manufactured here at home, why look elsewhere? Also, when premium quality aquascaping services are just a phone call or message away, why go elsewhere?